You see this is where it all started. I saw someone who had made some little faces and pink ribbion magnets for the Breast Cancer awareness and I asked her how she had made them... hello Fimo clay. So I decided ot look it up on the Internet as I'd never even heard of it before, and there they were. Pages and pages and pages of little foods.
This is where I started my adventure. Some of it was slightly embarrassing as I look at them now and they're a bit big. What I got from it though was that I really enjoyed it... happy accidents and all. So yesterday I stopped into Chapters and picked up this book. I was stoked!
Here are few things I made last night... (I will be the first to admit... perfection isn't a word I would use for these little designs... handcrafted goodness... you bet!)
The first one I made from the Polymer Clay Cookbook.... APPLES!
Getting the shapes right and making sure they were
approximately the same size... which is suprisingly a bit
of a challenge for me. |
Now they look about right! |
After shaping them, I stuck in a pin and then placed some
brown Fimo clay on the pin and rolled it down to the
apple to make the stem. |
Added some finishing touches... leaves! |
Voila! Apples :) |
But it didn't end there... those pictures in the book were too tempting and I wanted to know how to accomplish the look and figure out how other people make bends that stick, things that won't fall off... basically I wanted to know if I was doing it right.
Next step... BANANAS!
Balls of Fimo clay are ready! |
Add a bent pin... then mold the Fimo Clay around it.
Seems simple once you know the "secret" |
Yummy Bananas! |
I was happy to find that there was a method on how to create coffee cups... as I'd been making tea cups and they were the bane of my existance! Now that I know how to make cups, it will be SO MUCH EASIER!
Mmmm... Hot Cup of Java! |
It didn't stop there, I ended up making some Hamburgers and Tacos too...
I have to say this is one of the more fun little charms that I have
made... yummy tacos, with mutliple layers of meat, cheese, lettuce,
tomato, sour cream and green garnish. |
These hamburgers are stacked pretty high, I wanted the
layers to be a bit thicker so that people could see them. I'm
thinking if I make them again... thinner tomatos and cheese! |
I am totally enjoying the Polymer Clay Cookbook and when I get a bit more time I'm going to show you more. I'm thinking ice cream, waffles, bacon and eggs and maybe try my hand at a lemon cane.