I have been spending a bit of time this weekend drawing up some ideas for projects I'd like to try. I was also talking with my hunny about starting to sell some beads and things I make online, he's all for it! I think so far it's been pretty productive... and surprisingly relaxing this weekend. I've just decided to be mellow... and let creativity happen when it happens. Also I've been staying away from playing on my iPhone which I have a tendancy to do when I'm bored and watching TV. Strange how I seem to multi-task those two together. Instead I've spend the weekend picking up a pencil and drawning in my book.
One of my little creations I had thought about making was 3 Little Birds.
Three Little Birdies in Shadow Boxes |
I thought I'd make little birds and place them in shadow boxes and give them unique backgrounds and see how it went. Trees with flowers, a sunny sky and some paper cut out clouds. As I was working on my little birds I've decided rather than placing them in 3 separate shadow boxes, that I'd just put them in one. I think it just was due to the size that I'd made them... thought they'd look better all together.
The Basics of the Birdies I started to create |
I started out with three bird shapes. One in a blue, one pink and one brown. I had wanted a more red looking bird, but the mixing took it to a pretty in pink and I had some leftover pink that I was able to encorporate in the design of the pink bird which made me pretty darn happy. That clay I had was from one of my earlier canes that I had tried to make when I first started.... back in November!
First Birdie... I wanted to wire wrap it's
legs to give it a bit of pizazz. |
Having never wire wrapped anything before I thought I'd give it a try with my first little birdie. I took some thicker bronze wire and wrapped some silver around it to make it stand out and then placed some beads on it to make it look a little more interesting, while keeping the bird itself very straight forward and minimal in design.
Little Pink Birdie... the beginning of
something beautiful! |
Starting this one's little head design... not quite sure where I wanted to take it, I was thinking of placing a little flower on a wire stem and putting it on it's head, but it just didn't look quite right so I decided to encorporate several wires and let it kind of look more like a mohawk.
My little pink birdie with it's
unusual mohawk :) |
Here is where I got to encorporate the older cane that I had made back in November for the chest piece on this little pink birdie.
As I was showing my hunny ... he thought it might look good in a flower pot as well as the shadow box I was planning on putting it in.
See.. so many ideas! I can't help but get excited to think that there is so much I can get my hands into....that sometimes it's hard to focus on just one thing!
A decorative little pink birdie |
Encorporating the old cane, kind of made my day because I have it in my box of clays... wondering if I'd ever had any use for the stuff, and there you go. Making it a bit more pretty and decorative.
My very decorative brown birdie |
It was a bit funny with the last birdie. I was sitting thinking what I could do with this one that I hadn't done with the other two. I figured I didn't really do any tail feathers on the other ones...so I ended up improvising a bit and make some green decorations with some wired feathers.
I was thinking if I had actually made it long enough, but I like how they've turned out.
The Shadowbox... before the magic. LOL. |
The potential shadow box that I'll be putting my little birdies in once they've been cooked up and I've found a proper background. I'm thinking of placing some scrapbooking paper in the back... maybe a nice light blue with polka dots if there is one, and then I'll add a polymer clay tree with some clay flowers/leaves. From there depending on room I might add a sun, and some paper clouds that I'll glue in there.... all depending on room. I was thinking of maybe rather than doing a polymer clay tree branch I might try putting a real one in there and then glue/wire in the flowers..... I'm not sure yet.
But I think so far I'm liking the little birdies I've made. I'll cook them up later this afternoon and then when I get a chance I'll start building up the landscape. Maybe a bit of dirt, grass, rocks... all in clay to give it dimention and depth.
From there I think it will come together. I'll glue in the birds to the clay...since I'm not sure how well something like this would bake in an oven and I don't really want to risk it.
So there you go. My afternoon delight... and I think I'm going to call it a day as my back is starting to ache from being bent over those birds! But it was fun to get creative as I've not been drawing anything for yonks. I need to get back into the happy... and today puts me off to a good start.