02 April 2011

All Business Weekend

That sounds pretty important doesn't it!  I finally decided on a name for the website that I'd been contemplating making for a while now and I set up my Etsy store too!  It's been busy - and I managed to get some absolutely fabulous images for the Etsy store from Erin Bradley Designs.  From the experience I had with her, I would recommend her and her quality of work to any one thinking of sprucing up their Etsy store or if you would like a unique look for your store, check out her designs!  I think I must have spent hours looking through the different templates she has available and what really caught my eye (and there were a lot!).  I just want my store too look as friendly as possible and give the look that I'm serious about my work.

So that also spilled over to me working on my bead website.  OMG.... I have been so long out of the loop of web design it is seriously hard to get back into it.  I have that feeling of "I've forgotten everything!" and I can't say that it feels all that comfy.

So today I've spent the last 3 hours working on my jewelry website and I feel like I've not really accomplished as much as I had wanted.  The site itself will be running through WordPress and I am using the Jewelry theme I found a bit earlier.  Holy crap there is a lot to this theme and setting it up... as it has ecommerce in it - so PayPal has to be configured, shipping and handling... and all the not really fun stuff that goes with it.  Unlike the more creative part of writing up a bit of a story to go with the beads that will be on the site and taking the pictures, which I like to to WAY more than the back end stuff.

At the end of the day it will come together and when it's finally up and running I'll share with you the website and the Etsy site that I've made.


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