04 December 2010

My little link frenzy

You may notice that the sidebar on this blog has pretty much exploded with links to other sites of crafty crafty people.  It was like I couldn't stop.  I know that it may not be search engine friendly to have so many links on the sidebar (I know, why should I care... it's a part of my past that I just can't seem to shake... silly SEO.)  But you know what, I don't really care.  I mean I may know I shouldn't but I just don't care.  I love, love, love finding new sites and there are so many out there that are full of awesomness and written so well that I couldn't stop myself.

I have found so many wonderful creative people that I feel so utterly inspired.  I've got my handy dandy journal and I'm going to start doing some sketches.  I'd like to take a whirl at some wall art again.  I really enjoyed making the last one and I'm hoping today to pick  up a pasta machine so I can roll out my clay... what a time saver I'm hoping it will be... as well the clay will be consistantly one thickness... oh and I can then blend multiple colours and make some nice mixes.... yes... I'm excited!

You can see as I hop from one idea to another I haven't forgotten my plans... yes Christmas, yes jewelery, yes some freakin' awesome wall art that I'd love to create.  I'm just feeling like I could go a million miles an hour and I don't feel like I'm organized enough to do it!

My Journal to get some
ideas on paper before
I forget ... which  happens
 more than I would
 like to admit!
If plans fall in to place today I'm going on a road trip for the afternoon and I'll take my journal with me to sketch out a few ideas that I have for some wall art that I'd like to start.  Maybe some ideas for bracelets that I saw online too... see what I have for time on the trip and keep the creativity going :)

I'm hoping to get my hands on a bit more clay... I seem to keep running out not realizing that these little projects I've been doing, do take up a lot of clay.  I am going to try looking online for some wholesalers maybe or where I can buy my clay cheaper than Michaels... since they run $2.99 each for the Fimo clay that I like working with.

So my plan this weekend is to work on one wall art project, maybe if it's good enough I'll give it away as a present for Christmas this year.  If it's more a work in progress... then I've got tons of wall space here at home that I can add it to :)

Learn to Knit on Circle Looms
This past week I came across circle looms, where you don't use the needles but loop the wool around a circle.  Since I haven't got a clue on how to knit I thought I might look into this a bit further too. Looks like something that I could figure out and enjoy making a few things, like touques, mitts and fun fingerless gloves for work.

You see I start looking around online and I get even more ideas... since I know quite a few people who love to knit and I've only ever tried when I was younger... but I didn't really have the knack for it then, the Circle Loom seems a bit more user friendly and a way that I could try to get into that sort of thing.

See.... so many ideas.  Now just to find the time where I can fit it all in.  Hmm... maybe with the Christmas holidays that I've got coming up I might be able to accomplish some of the things I'd like to do.

Does that mean I have to prioritize!?!  Eeeep.

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